Poker Terminologies & Slangs You Should Learn


If you want to learn how to play poker and you want to be a professional poker player especially when betting Kenya, there are things you should remember. First, know the rules of the games. Second is to be familiar with the hand rankings. There are a variety of hand rankings in poker such as royal flush. Royal flush is a hand that consists of five cards in sequence, all of the same suit.

There is also 4 of a kind hand ranking which has four cards of one rank and any other unmatched card. When playing, you should also be mindful of table etiquette. Doing this will help you and the other players keep the game moving at a decent pace. 

Another tip is to pay attention. It is important to be decent as a player as well. Make sure to use a moderate tone of voice when chit-chatting with your playmate or friend. Watch out for who’s betting as well.

Next thing that you need to do is to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary in poker. To know more about the poker terminologies and slangs that you should learn, check out and read this infographic. And for sports bettingKenya, visit ChezaCash. 

Poker Terminologies and Slangs you should learn [Infographics]

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